John Brian King

I created a Substack page to showcase my photography and filmmaking. I have been a photographer for over forty years – I graduated from the California Institute of the Arts with a major in Art & Design in the 1980s. I curated the first art exhibition of serial killer John Wayne Gacy’s “clown” paintings, produced the S&M performance “Nailed!,” (featuring the late artist and writer Bob Flanagan, subject of Kirby Dick’s documentary Sick), and conducted a videotaped interview with Charles Manson at San Quentin Prison (featured in Nikolas Schreck’s film Charles Manson Superstar). I later worked as a title designer for films; my credits include Boogie Nights, The Ring, and Punch-Drunk Love. I am also the author/editor of three nonfiction books: Lustmord: The Writings and Artifacts of Murderers, Psychopathia Sexualis (by Richard von Krafft-Ebing), and The Sexual Criminal (by J. Paul de River). I am on Instagram here and have a website here.

Thank you for being here, and I hope you enjoy my work!

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My photography and films on Substack.


Photographer and filmmaker